In order to coordinate your activity properly, you need a complex IT system, an advanced solution to help you plan and manage tens or hundreds of simultaneous projects.
ExpertAccounts offers a complete system to help construction companies fulfill their business goals.

Project Management

Project - Based Orders

The most complete solution for project management, which provides:

an unitary and structured vision under the whole rolling investments
efficient budget management
control of execution stages
rigurous deadline and needed resources tracing
real-time information, in order to make the best decisions


Ease your work with processing your orders

Save time and money

Remove human errors
  • Everything related to an order (contract, project, estimate, execution, invoice) is in the same place. You can see all the documents: issue delivery order, invoice, transfers, production.
  • Automatically generate contracts with customers' contacts - you don't need licenses for other programs anymore.
Real-time information,  wherever you are

Quantity of materials


Order delivery date
  • You can view any information about any order, anytime, anywhere.
  • You can view all previous invoices for orders with multiple stages.
  • For more complex orders, like project-based services orders: you have access to all the documents related to the selected order - transfers, production, consumuri, invoice.

Project Management on estimates in Projects:

  • Tracing of contracts or projects with multiple stages, labours or execution stages, which assumes in time unwinding of the project or the contract. Offers the posibility to compare the initial estimates with the actual ones.
  • Perpetuous tracing of differences between quantities and values in estimates (at list price) and the actual quantities and values.
  • Tracing of manual labour, on manual labour categories, with normed and realized values, on persons.
  • Tracing of differences between normed and realized on production units.
  • Ability to pay workers on realized manual labour on every component of the estimate.
  • Rigurous tracing of the stages of the investments and the decounts.
  • Real-time discovering of problematic points, in order to be able to correct them.
  • Ability to charge the estimate with materials and manual labours not foreseen in the estimate to calculate the real cost.
  • Estimates device reusability.
  • Access in real time the information regarding the state of the investments, strictly based on access level rights.
  • Cash-flow on various time periods, balancing programmed incomes with planned expenses.
  • Efficiency reports through series of indicators, offering a clear view of an investment regarding its time frame, costs and profits.
  • Budget management for a higher turnover.
  • Ability to analyze costs through expenses accounts/cost centres, defined through a tree like structure, underlining the expense types on every center, regardless of its specificity.

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