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请选择你的业务所需要的解决方案 -
ExpertAccounts 可在公有云或私有中使用,也可部署在公司的服务器上. 经济还是商务舱?:

ERP 基本包(免费)
- 通过库存地点、库存类别、产品描述、产品代码、供应商、批次或序列号查询产品库存。
- 创建和打印发票,货物收货票据,收据,现金销售,支票,退货,交付订单等。
- 零售POS销售与条码扫描。
- 进口和出口发票。
- 为每个客户设定产品优惠价格。打印个性化的价格清单给你的客户。
- 销售分析、销售动态、财务报告和图表。
- 实时成本计算。
- 库存与会计实时连接
- 简单的数据输入.
- 按发票号码追踪的应付账款和应收账款。自动核对现金或支票付款的发票.
- 由成本中心、客户、销售人员对未付发票打印催陈报告.
- 跟踪到期日期的过期支票
- 支援多国币种处理,自动兑换收益或损失计算.
- 快速和方便地查看和审查所有会计事务集中在一个总分类帐,您可以通过帐户和文档细节过滤或查询.
- 查看借方和相应的信用账户。检查交易金额并核对借方和贷方的账目.
- 使用财务计算公式来设计审计报告,如净值、COGS、EBIT、EBITDA、EPS、ROI、ROS、ROA等
订单管理 Orders
销售订单,采购订单,报价单,形式发票,订单发票,定单定金发货单和形式发票 Delivery and proforma tracking
支持发货单和发票对接,形式发票转换发票供应商托保货品 Supplier Consignment
Consignment stock from the supplier, selling of consigned stock, registration of vendor invoice after the goods are sold - Consignment D.O. from supplier, sales of consigned stock, return consigned stock to supplier, sales reporting to supplier to issue invoice for the consigned goods sold.货品和多层价格设置 Item Master with Price Levels
Item master with specs and pictures and 5 price levels.; Item master with specs and pictures and 5 price levels (set by customers and by quantity)货品价格表设置 Price rules
Set price and discount rules by customer and date range; Discount/price by client and combination of item group, brand, vendor etc. by date range. Promotion/sales catalogs by location type, customer group etc with date range validity.零售连锁物流 Retail Chain Logistics
Shop re-order automation based on optimal stock, branch transfer control by e-confirmation, tracking of missing items during transit; Stock re-order level set by shop type. Branch transfer order and purchase order based on sales and optimal stock. Transfer to branch with e-confirmation for receipt, tracking stock in transit. Recording for each transfer the persons in charge with delivery, transport and receipt, to track and trace the items found missing after transit.
Shop re-order automation based on optimal stock, branch transfer control by e-confirmation, tracking of missing items during transit; Stock re-order level set by shop type. Branch transfer order and purchase order based on sales and optimal stock. Transfer to branch with e-confirmation for receipt, tracking stock in transit. Recording for each transfer the persons in charge with delivery, transport and receipt, to track and trace the items found missing after transit.
忠诚卡CRM - Loyalty cards
Customer loyalty card system.; Customer information management system and loyalty cards. Management of bonus points, discount points, prepaid points, all integrated with touchscreen POS system sales.
Customer loyalty card system.; Customer information management system and loyalty cards. Management of bonus points, discount points, prepaid points, all integrated with touchscreen POS system sales.
生产装配文件 Production Assembly Files
Assembly files with BOM and BOL for production; Production tracking by phase and assembly line. Calculate material cost, labor cost and machinery cost
Assembly files with BOM and BOL for production; Production tracking by phase and assembly line. Calculate material cost, labor cost and machinery cost
多阶段生产的订单 Multi-stage Manufacturing on Orders
Manufacturing by orders and multiple assembly stages with semifabricates, by production lines and units, with BOM and BOL by stage. Real-time cost calculation: material cost, labor and machinery cost. Automatic generation of assembly orders for Semi-finished products and planning execution on production lines. Automatic planning by assembly lines and hours, and manual Drag & Drop re-planning on interactive Gantt chart. Recording of materials allocation and production completion.
Manufacturing by orders and multiple assembly stages with semifabricates, by production lines and units, with BOM and BOL by stage. Real-time cost calculation: material cost, labor and machinery cost. Automatic generation of assembly orders for Semi-finished products and planning execution on production lines. Automatic planning by assembly lines and hours, and manual Drag & Drop re-planning on interactive Gantt chart. Recording of materials allocation and production completion.
生产跟踪的移动应用 Mobile App for Production Tracking
Use tablets to record manufacturing tasks execution by stage - start work, materials allocation and finish work - in real time. Record consumption and task execution in the factory using tablets or touchscreen-PC and barcode scanning. Labor by worker, order and assembly stage. Prepare execution in backoffice - print work sheets and product batch labels with barcode.
Use tablets to record manufacturing tasks execution by stage - start work, materials allocation and finish work - in real time. Record consumption and task execution in the factory using tablets or touchscreen-PC and barcode scanning. Labor by worker, order and assembly stage. Prepare execution in backoffice - print work sheets and product batch labels with barcode.
B2B Info
Web-access for selected partners to view their transactions in your ERP. Customers and suppliers can view on your website their transactions from your ERP, such as: sales orders, purchase orders, deliveries, invoices, payments, account statement. This cuts the cost of communication with your partners.
Web-access for selected partners to view their transactions in your ERP. Customers and suppliers can view on your website their transactions from your ERP, such as: sales orders, purchase orders, deliveries, invoices, payments, account statement. This cuts the cost of communication with your partners.
采购 Procurement
Manage price quotes received from multiple suppliers for the same items. Supplier price lists, mapping of own items to supplier code and description.
Manage price quotes received from multiple suppliers for the same items. Supplier price lists, mapping of own items to supplier code and description.
网店 e-Commerce Webshop
Fully customizable e-commerce shopping cart; Company presentation website with online orders
序列号跟踪 Serial Number Tracking
Strict tracking of S/N or IMEI for items that require warranty (electronics etc.) by scanning the serial number at all stock in and out documents.; Mandatory S/N scanning at purchase, transfer, invoicing or POS sale. List of serials on stock, history by S/N. Integrated with the RMA module for warranty and out-of-warranty service repairs and returns.
Strict tracking of S/N or IMEI for items that require warranty (electronics etc.) by scanning the serial number at all stock in and out documents.; Mandatory S/N scanning at purchase, transfer, invoicing or POS sale. List of serials on stock, history by S/N. Integrated with the RMA module for warranty and out-of-warranty service repairs and returns.
返回商品授权 RMA - Return Merchandise Authorisation
Return products for warranty and post-warranty repairs/replacement; Multi-brand warranty certificate, own warranty, send back to vendor for warranty, post-warranty service. Web interface for customers to check status.
Return products for warranty and post-warranty repairs/replacement; Multi-brand warranty certificate, own warranty, send back to vendor for warranty, post-warranty service. Web interface for customers to check status.
项目订单 Project Orders
Project-based services orders (construction, installation etc.). "Make-to-order" discrete manufacturing (project-based products); Service/products quotation/order with required raw materials, labor and third party services. Billing and cashing deposit payment. Process the production on order. Invoice on order.
Project-based services orders (construction, installation etc.). "Make-to-order" discrete manufacturing (project-based products); Service/products quotation/order with required raw materials, labor and third party services. Billing and cashing deposit payment. Process the production on order. Invoice on order.
市场营销 CRM - Marketing
E -mail marketing, newsletters, telemarketing, lead management, quotations and opportunities; E-mail templates customized with parameters, communication history, relevant selling points, track leads, opportunities, quotations and special ofers.
E -mail marketing, newsletters, telemarketing, lead management, quotations and opportunities; E-mail templates customized with parameters, communication history, relevant selling points, track leads, opportunities, quotations and special ofers.
月计费 CRM - Block Billing
Bulk billing services on contract basis: utilities (water, sewer, sanitation, gas, etc.) and subscriptions (telecom, GPS monitoring, maintenance, etc.); Manage subscribers with all relevant details, contract templates, multiple services on invoice, configurable price computing, multiple consumer branches
Bulk billing services on contract basis: utilities (water, sewer, sanitation, gas, etc.) and subscriptions (telecom, GPS monitoring, maintenance, etc.); Manage subscribers with all relevant details, contract templates, multiple services on invoice, configurable price computing, multiple consumer branches
合同模板 Contract templates
Generate contracts based on templates created with full text editor. The contract generated for an order can be customized in the text editor, sent by email, signed, scanned and attached to order. Create templates for service contracts, projects, goods delivery etc. using a complete text editor in HTML format with images, tables. Insert parameters for customer info and order data, insert dynamically generated tables with items order. Generate contracts based on templates, with customer, order and CRM information inserted automatically. Scan the signed contract and attach it as file to the order, along with other files (technical project etc).
Generate contracts based on templates created with full text editor. The contract generated for an order can be customized in the text editor, sent by email, signed, scanned and attached to order. Create templates for service contracts, projects, goods delivery etc. using a complete text editor in HTML format with images, tables. Insert parameters for customer info and order data, insert dynamically generated tables with items order. Generate contracts based on templates, with customer, order and CRM information inserted automatically. Scan the signed contract and attach it as file to the order, along with other files (technical project etc).
修配车间 Repair Shop
Work Orders for multi-brand car service workshops. Job assigned to work box and mechanics. Service history for each vehicle.; Classification of service labors with normal time. Hourly labor rates differentiated by type of vehicle (make, model) and the types of clients (clients with fleets, warranty repairs, insurance). Vehicles database (Plate Reg.No., make, model, VIN, engine number, mileage etc). Track issue and return parts from the warehouse to technician
Work Orders for multi-brand car service workshops. Job assigned to work box and mechanics. Service history for each vehicle.; Classification of service labors with normal time. Hourly labor rates differentiated by type of vehicle (make, model) and the types of clients (clients with fleets, warranty repairs, insurance). Vehicles database (Plate Reg.No., make, model, VIN, engine number, mileage etc). Track issue and return parts from the warehouse to technician
运输和转发 Shipping and Forwarding
Tracking international forwarding orders and shipping orders with complete information. Billing in local and foreign currency. Net income computed by truck, order, carrier etc. Forwarding or shipping orders specifying the carrier, driver, plate no. customer, complete information about loading and unloading. Attach files to order (BOL etc.). Automatic billing of shipping orders. Tracking billed and unbilled orders and carrier billing for forwarding orders. Net income by forwarding order and agent. Tracking the trucks as profit centers - all expenditure and revenue highlighted in detail by truck.
Tracking international forwarding orders and shipping orders with complete information. Billing in local and foreign currency. Net income computed by truck, order, carrier etc. Forwarding or shipping orders specifying the carrier, driver, plate no. customer, complete information about loading and unloading. Attach files to order (BOL etc.). Automatic billing of shipping orders. Tracking billed and unbilled orders and carrier billing for forwarding orders. Net income by forwarding order and agent. Tracking the trucks as profit centers - all expenditure and revenue highlighted in detail by truck.
商业智能 BI - Business Intelligence
Decision cubes, comparative sales, income and expenses flow analysis; Interactive sales analysis for a period of one year compared with the same period in another year, interactive 3D Analysis (decision cubes), budgets setting and analyze, accounts turnovers by cost / profit centers , Graphic Charts
Decision cubes, comparative sales, income and expenses flow analysis; Interactive sales analysis for a period of one year compared with the same period in another year, interactive 3D Analysis (decision cubes), budgets setting and analyze, accounts turnovers by cost / profit centers , Graphic Charts
固定资产 Fixed assets
Fixed assets management with amortization schedule, location and maintenance.; Fixed assets categories, classes, centers. Flexible amortization schedule, physical location tracking, person in charge, third party custodian. Assets maintenance with cost recording and scheduled maintenance.
Fixed assets management with amortization schedule, location and maintenance.; Fixed assets categories, classes, centers. Flexible amortization schedule, physical location tracking, person in charge, third party custodian. Assets maintenance with cost recording and scheduled maintenance.
仓库管理系统 WMS - Warehouse Management System
Recieve delivery, check-in, put-away, stock-take, transfer, picking, check-out, delivery. Warehouse management using structured rack locations and multiple packing UoM. Entries, deliveries and transfers recorded by scanning barcodes using mobile devices or tablets. Seamless integration with the ERP.
Recieve delivery, check-in, put-away, stock-take, transfer, picking, check-out, delivery. Warehouse management using structured rack locations and multiple packing UoM. Entries, deliveries and transfers recorded by scanning barcodes using mobile devices or tablets. Seamless integration with the ERP.
移动扫描-库存 Mobile SCAN - Delivery and Stock-take
Delivery check-in, delivery picking and stock-taking by scanning barcodes, using the tablet or smartphone with a USB/Bluetooth barcode scanner connected, or barcode mobile devices. Check-in - verify if the items delivered are the same as the ones on the delivery document. Delivery - do the picking of the items to be delivered from the warehouse - shows the picking list with items and rack locations. Stock-take by scanning the product code, batch code or serial number, and the shelf code. Multiple users can simultaneously scan barcodes of items in different areas of the stock locations to make a stock-take.
Delivery check-in, delivery picking and stock-taking by scanning barcodes, using the tablet or smartphone with a USB/Bluetooth barcode scanner connected, or barcode mobile devices. Check-in - verify if the items delivered are the same as the ones on the delivery document. Delivery - do the picking of the items to be delivered from the warehouse - shows the picking list with items and rack locations. Stock-take by scanning the product code, batch code or serial number, and the shelf code. Multiple users can simultaneously scan barcodes of items in different areas of the stock locations to make a stock-take.
合并财务和库存报表 Multi-company Consolided Accounts
Multiple company aggregated analysis and consolidated reports for: sales, inventory stock, debtors and creditors, financial analyse (cash-flow, income,balance sheet etc). View the consolidated / joined data of main companies from different database accounts, as if it is one big company, at: Sales analyze, Stock list, Payables and receivables, Analyzer reports (multi-company consolidated cash-flow, balance sheet, income statement etc).
Multiple company aggregated analysis and consolidated reports for: sales, inventory stock, debtors and creditors, financial analyse (cash-flow, income,balance sheet etc). View the consolidated / joined data of main companies from different database accounts, as if it is one big company, at: Sales analyze, Stock list, Payables and receivables, Analyzer reports (multi-company consolidated cash-flow, balance sheet, income statement etc).
分公司数据同步 Data Sync Extender
Synchronizing data (articles, trading partners, loyalty cards) of a company account, from another company account that belongs to you. Configurable data sync for: items and list prices, trading partners, loyalty cards. Synchronization is done by reading information on an hourly basis from the account designated as "master" - will add new records from the master and update existing data according to the "master" account data. Activate this extender on the destination account you want to be updated. If you want two-way sync, activate this extender on both accounts.
Synchronizing data (articles, trading partners, loyalty cards) of a company account, from another company account that belongs to you. Configurable data sync for: items and list prices, trading partners, loyalty cards. Synchronization is done by reading information on an hourly basis from the account designated as "master" - will add new records from the master and update existing data according to the "master" account data. Activate this extender on the destination account you want to be updated. If you want two-way sync, activate this extender on both accounts.
多公司用户共享 Users Extender
Extend for a company account the paid users access from another company account that belongs to you. If you have multiple company accounts, and you need the same users to access them, pay the access fee only for one company account (master), and for the others you only pay this add-on extender and the users paid for the master company will be able to access them, according to the configured access policy. On the "master" company you pay the access fee for all the users you need, and on the other accounts you only activate the extender add-on.
Extend for a company account the paid users access from another company account that belongs to you. If you have multiple company accounts, and you need the same users to access them, pay the access fee only for one company account (master), and for the others you only pay this add-on extender and the users paid for the master company will be able to access them, according to the configured access policy. On the "master" company you pay the access fee for all the users you need, and on the other accounts you only activate the extender add-on.
功能模块共享 Add-ons Extender
Extend for a company account the active add-ons license from another company account that belongs to you. If you have multiple company accounts, and you need the same add-ons you for them, pay the add-on license fee only for one company account (master), and for the others you only pay this add-on extender and will have all the add-ons from the master company. On the "master" company you activate all the add-ons you need, and on the other accounts you only activate the extender add-on.
Sign-up now to view the complete list and prices of the additional modules.
Extend for a company account the active add-ons license from another company account that belongs to you. If you have multiple company accounts, and you need the same add-ons you for them, pay the add-on license fee only for one company account (master), and for the others you only pay this add-on extender and will have all the add-ons from the master company. On the "master" company you activate all the add-ons you need, and on the other accounts you only activate the extender add-on.
Sign-up now to view the complete list and prices of the additional modules.
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