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Cloud Accounting:

Usually... | With ExpertAccounts... |
✘ Your customers use an online/installed software for invoicing, send you their invoices via e-mail, or give them to you personally on a USB memory stick, or, worse, they may issue invoices manually using a pen, often with mistakes... |
✔ Your customer issues the invoices using ExpertAccounts, probably easier and cheaper than another software, and without mistakes. You as accountant, have real-time access to all invoices and bills - already recorded into accounts. Your customer's staff can not alter closed months, by addition, modification or deletion of records. |
✘ Customers come to your headquarters to give you their documents, or you go to theirs. You waste time not only on traffic, but also "decoding" the received invoices. |
✔ No more wasted time in traffic jams. Everything works online, so you can do the accounting for companies located in another premises than yours. Your customer can attach in the system the scanned documents, for e-audit purposes. |
✘ If anything bad happens to your computer (virus, hardware failure) you can lose all your data. |
✔ Goodbye data loss! Your data is safe, always available for you. Details here.. |
The result?
You have to manually record all the invoices you have received in many forms, in your accounting program, then do the month closures and tax e-filling. |
The result?
Save time. You no longer have to wait for your customers' invoices and purchase invoices until the end of the month. Your customers record their documents in ExpertAccounts, while you do the month closures and tax e-filling. |
Enter the Cloud Accounting Era!
Online bookkeeping: work on your premises, online, with your customers that use ERP ExpertAccounts, in the same database. Your customers enter purchase invoices and issue invoices, while all the accounting is automatically generated under your control.
Unlike other accounting and inventory management software, ExpertAccounts does not need to be installed, it is accessible 24 hours for you: With ExpertAccounts Accounting and Inventory Management Software:
- Work anywhere you have Internet, using any computer and any operating system.
- Service more customers in less time, with fewer resources. Boost your productivity by outsourcing bulk data entry to your clients.
- Collaborate with your clients using Expert Accounts - work online, so you don't have to enter bulk data manually into accounting. Your clients won't need any accounting knowledge at all, but will have real time accurate reports.
- Customize and control your client's data posting process. Create and modify forms for data entry, according to the work-flow of different businesses you cater for.
- No more bulk data entry, just supervise and verify the accuracy of the data entry process and do the accounts closures.
- View the debit account and the corresponding credit account side by side, with the transaction amount - on one row, to offer you a complete insight. Your debit and credit will always tally.
- Design audit reports using formulas to calculate financial indicators such as Net worth, COGS, EBIT, EBITDA, EPS,ROI,ROS,ROA etc.
- Integrated Internal Audit infrastructure for collaborative work between operators, accountants and auditors, issue-tracking with notification via e-mail. Using this system, the accounting officer may request information or clarification from the controller, related to the accounting data, such as requesting a document scan or notifying an operating error.
Benefits for accountant's clients
Online accounting software ExpertAccounts:
- is suitable for any company, regardless the size and activity
- client sees on his smartphone the evolution of revenues, expenses, profits, customers and suppliers statements
- provides management reports (sales analysis, sales dynamics, financial analysis, order analysis, etc.)
- for companies with multiple branches – any registered document at one of the branches can be instantly viewed anywhere by all users who have the necessary access rights
- if your client has a webshop: connect ExpertAccounts with the webshop to have a real-time accounting and stock - API to receive from web-shop a sales order and issue the invoice, update stock; API for stock inquiry from webshop